Rites of Umrah: path to divine

Rites of Umrah and tamattu

Table of Contents

After conquering Mecca and removing the Quraysh idols, the Muslims were reluctant to try between Safa and Marwah; Because before Islam, there were two stone idols on these two mountains, which the pilgrims and pilgrims of that period used to try between Safa and Marwah to get close to them and shake hands and kiss them; But Muhammad allowed Sa’i between Safa and Marwa, and according to the text of the Qur’an, this work is considered one of the rituals of Allah. in this article we examine the rites of umrah.

Hajj is divided into three categories:

1- Hajj Tamattu.

2- Hajj Qiran.

3- Hajj of Efrad

Hajj in hadith
Rites of Umrah

Hajj tamattu; It means that a pilgrim should perform Umrah during the months of Hajj and after completing Umrah, put on Ihram for Hajj. The fact that it is called Hajj Tamattu is because the pilgrim benefits from what is forbidden to him between Umrah Tammattu and Hajj.

Hajj Efrad; It is that the pilgrim performs the Hajj first and then wears the Ihram of Umrah and performs the same. efrad Hajj and mofradah Umrah are separate from each other.

Hajj Qiran; It is for a pilgrim to wear an Ihram for Hajj and Umrah so that he includes the practices of Umrah in Hajj. It means that one intention is enough for both.

Here Efrad means one by one but qiran means together.

In order to perform Hajj and enter the safe sanctuary of God, Makkah, one must put on Ihram and say Talbiyah (saying labbeik, meaning I am hear at your service). Ihram for Hajj and Umrah Tamattu should be worn in the months of Hajj, namely Shawwal, Dhu Qa’dah and Dhu Hajjah.

Order of Rites of Umrah:

When a person performs the rituals of Hajj Umrah separately from other acts of Hajj, those rituals are called single(Mufradah) Umrah Hajj.

In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that Hajj Umrah is completely separate from Hajj; At the same time, the rituals of Hajj of Umrah tamattu is carried out as attachment of rituals of hajj.

That is, after performing Hajj of Umrah rituals, Hajj rituals are performed.

Also, during Hajj of Umrah rituals, 24 things are forbidden for a person who performs Hajj, but these same things become halal after performing Hajj of Umrah rituals.

Until the beginning of the Hajj rituals, which is after the Hajj of Umrah rituals; Pilgrims can benefit from some of these things, such as communication with their spouses, makeup, perfume, etc.

Rites of Umrah: difference with rites of tamattu

The major differences between Hajj Umrah Mufardah and Hajj Umrah Tamattu are as follows:

In the rites of tamattu, the place of Ihram of tamattu is one of the five places where pilgrims wear Ihram for Hajj, and the place of Ihram of Umrah is the place closest to the Haram and outside the Haram.

Pilgrims must do taqsir (shortening of nails), but pilgrims can do taqsir and shave their heads in Hajj rituals of mufradah Umrah.

There is no need to perform Tawaf Nisa in the Hajj rituals of Umrah Tamattu, but in the rituals of Hajj Umrah mufradah, the pilgrims both perform Tawaf Nisa and perform the Tawaf Nisa prayer.

The rites of Hajj tamattu are performed only in the months of Shawwal, Dhul-Qa’da, and Dhul-Hijjah, while the rites of Umrah are performed in all months of the year.

People who perform the rites of Hajj of Umrah are not Hajis, and if they have the conditions, they still have Hajj Tamattu on their duty.

It is permissible to send the people who have performed Hajj Umrah to Madinah and after that they are sent to Makkah, and on the way from Madinah to Makkah to the Shajra Mosque in Dhul Taifah, which is one of the places where pilgrim wears Ihram.

After that, the rites of Hajj Umrah are performed individually by putting on Ihram in the Shajara Mosque in Dhul-Tifah in the following order:

Rites of Umrah: putting on ihram, a shield from sins

A person becomes muhrim, that is, a person wears Ihram clothes and says labbeik with the intention of Ihram.

After becoming muhrim, a person moves to Mecca and goes around the Kaaba. Tawaf means to go around the house of God seven times.

A person should perform two rak’ahs of tawaf prayer behind the shrine of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him).

After the Tawaf prayer, a person should perform Sa’i between Safa and Marwah, for which he walks seven times between Safa and Marwah.

After trying, a person must do taqsir; That is, he picks his nails and some of his hair or beard. It is better for him to shave his head.

After making taqsir, he goes around God’s house seven times, but this time he has the intention of going-around of Nisa. Nisa means women.

After performing the Tawaf of Nisa, the Tawaf of Nisa prayer must be performed, for this purpose, the prayer is read behind the position of Abraham, peace be upon him.

The important point in performing the rites of Hajj Umrah is that the actions must be performed in order.

guide to ihram
Rites of Umrah

Rites of Umrah

The intention of performing Hajj of Umra (intention =Niyyah):

There is no need to do the intention in performing the rites of umrah, and it is enough that a person intends to become muhrim for Umrah in order to get closer to God Almighty. But it is recommended that the phrase “I become muhrim” should be uttered with the intention of Umrah.

Also, if someone utters the intention of Hajj Tamattu to perform the rites of Hajj, there is no need to repeat it.

Read also: The miqat for umrah

Place of Ihram for Rites of Umrah:

People who pass by the place of establishing Ihram or left and right of Ihram, their place of becoming muhrim is one of the five places where Ihram is performed during tamattu.

If a person intends to perform the rites of Hajj Umrah, and is in Makkah, the place where he becomes muhrim is the closest Ihram outside the Haram. Namely, Adni al-Hill. Of course, the place of Ihram is better to be one of the three places of Taneem or Ja’arana or Hudaybiyyah.

People whose place of Ihram is in Taneem must ride in a car without a roof on the condition of caution.

If a person passes by the place where Ihram is performed without Ihram and enters Makkah, there is no need to return to that place again, but he must become muhrim in Adni al-Hill.

Getting out of Ihram and ending the rites of Umrah:

There are two ways to get out of Ihram; First of all, a person must do all the actions that he has done without Ihram after his taqsir, and only marital affairs are forbidden to him, which becomes permissible after Tawaf of Nisa and Nisa Tawaf prayer.

The second way is that a person has not performed the acts after Ihram at all or has performed them in an invalid manner, which remains in the state of Ihram, and if he performs the forbidden things, he must pay expiation (kaffarah).

Repeating the Rites of Umrah.

Just as it is mustahab (recommended) to repeat tamattu rituals, the same rule applies to Umrah.

There is no obstacle to perform rites of umrah consecutive without a break, but it is mustahab that there be a ten-day gap between two separate Umrahs, or at least in two different months.

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